Fun Space Jokes & Riddles

Fun Space Jokes

Q.What sea is in space?
A. Galax Sea!

Q. What should you do if you see a green alien?
Wait until it’s ripe!

Q. Why haven’t aliens come to our solar system yet?
They read the reviews: one star.

Q.Why did the star get arrested? 
 A: Because it was a shooting star!

Q.What do Aliens drink when it’s chilly outside?
A. Gravi-TEA ! 

Q.Why didn’t the Dog Star laugh at the joke?
A.  It was too Sirius!

Illustrations from Book One

Q.  Which reindeer loves to go to outer space?
A.  Comet!

Q. What do you win in a space talent competition?
A.  A constellation prize!

Q. What did the librarian say to the astronaut?
A.  Find space for a book!

Q.  Who in the solar system has the most loose change?
A.  The moon, it keeps changing quarters.


Q. What does space-time and apples have in common?
A.  A wormhole!

Q. Knock Knock.  Who’s there? Solar. Solar, who? 
A.  Solar you going to think of a better joke? 

Q. What does a dentist call an astronaut’s cavity?
A.  A black hole!

Q. How do astronauts serve dinner?
A.  On flying saucers!

Q. What did the astronaut cook for lunch?
A.  An unidentifiable frying object!


Q. Why did the sun go to school?
To get brighter!

Q.What do you call a tick on the moon?
A.  A luna-tick.

Q.What kind of music do planets sing?

Q.What did the alien say to the garden?
ATake me to your weeder!


Q.What did Mars say to Saturn?
A. Give me a ring sometime!

Q. What do you call an alien with three eyes?
A. An aliiien.

Q. What is a spaceman’s favorite chocolate?
A. A marsbar!

Q. Why didn’t the sun go to college?
A. Because it already had a million degrees!


Q. Why did the cow go to outer space?
A. To visit the milky way.

Q. Why did Venus have to get an air conditioner?
A. Because Mercury moved in.

Q. How do you know when the moon has enough to eat?
A. When it’s full.

Q. What is an astronauts favorite key on the keyboard?
A. The space bar!

Amelia the Venutons Illust 9

Q. What’s a light-year?
A. The same as a regular year, but with less calories.

Q. What did the alien say to the cat?
A. Take me to your litter.

Q. What do planets like to read?
A. Comet books!

Q. How do you get a baby astronaut to sleep?
A. You rocket!


Q. How does the man-in-the-moon cut his hair?
A. Eclipse it!

Q. What do you get if you cross Santa Claus with a space ship?
A. A u-f-ho-ho-ho!

Q. How do you organize a space party?
A. You planet!

Q. Why don’t aliens eat clowns?
A. Because they taste funny!


Q. What was the first animal in space?
A. The cow that jumped over the moon!

Q. Why did Mickey Mouse go to outer space?
A. He was looking for Pluto.

Q. Where do astronauts keep their sandwiches?
A. In a launch box!

Q. What do you call a loony spaceman?
A. An astronut.


Q. Where would an astronaut park his space ship?
A. A parking meteor!

Q. Why did the people not like the restaurant on the moon?
A. Because there was no atmosphere.

Solve these Fun Space Riddles!

children night sky
Q. It can fill a room without occupying space. What is is?

A. Light of course!

Q. I am bigger than Venus, but smaller than Uranus. I am a living rock. What am I?
A. Earth of course!

Q. At night they come without being fetched. And by day they are lost without being stolen…
A. Stars!

Q. The beginning of eternity. The end of time and space. The beginning of every end. And the end of every place.
A. The letter E!
Q. I’m sometimes full, but I never overflow. What Am I?

A. The Moon

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Q. What am I?
      I’m bright but I’m not clever
      I burn but I’m not a bonfire
      I sound like I’m a celebrity but I’m not famous
     I twinkle but I’m not an eye
     I can be seen at night but I’m not the moon
A. A star of course!

Q. I surround you but I’m not clothes.  I am everywhere but don’t take up space.  I’m not always here, yet you can use a man-made form of me.  I can go through glass but the glass will look just the same.  What am I?
A. Light!

Ever wondered if aliens exist? What if one needed your help?
Would you travel to outer space?

Book Three: Amelia, the Merballs and the Emerald Cannon


Amelia and Uglesnoo land on Mercury.  They meet the Merballs, the friendly aliens that live there.  All goes well until an asteroid hits their planet.  Amelia and Uglesnoo find themselves in deep trouble.  How will they convince the Merballs of their innocence?  And how will they manage to collect the flying shoes, escape Mercury and continue their quest to save Uglesnoo’s sister?

To preview and/or buy the book, click below:

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“Adventure, inventiveness, and humor merge in this quirky, appealing tale.”Kirkus Reviews

“…This third book is even more original, fun and creative! With aliens, different planets, a good dose of humor and excellent storytelling that is age-appropriate, this is one of the best kids series out there. The illustrations are pretty fun too and fit the story well.”
I Heart Reading.

Book One: Amelia, the Moochins and the Sapphire Palace

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When is a present not a present?  When it’s a friendly purple alien called Uglesnoo, from the planet Pluto!  Uglesnoo needs to leave right away for the Moon.  Uglesnoo also desperately needs Amelia’s help.  Should Amelia venture into outer Space?

Click below for a preview:

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 “Appealing Illustrations combine with lots of text to make this a great read for children transitioning from picture books to chapter books.”  —Kirkus Reviews

The story is imaginative and fun…and a perfect book to stretch my oldest in his independent reading with something fun to keep his attention.” —Beautiful Books for Children

Book Two: Amelia, the Venutons and the Golden Cage


Uglesnoo needs Amelia’s help.  His sister is very sick.  The only cure is a repelling crystal from Neptune.  With his Earthling friend, Amelia, they must continue their quest.  More items are needed to buy the crystal.  But Venus is full of danger and angry aliens.  Are Uglesnoo and Amelia in over their heads?

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“A lively sequel offers a sure-handed blend of fantasy, humor, adventure, and an ingenious heroine.” Kirkus Reviews

5/5 star rating!  “Amelia, the Venutons and the Golden Cage is a wonderful children’s book that will allow your kids to get started in the Sci-Fi genre… The story is intriguing and well thought out. All in all, the author did a great job of creating an engaging story that kept my kids interested. We are definitely looking forward to the next book!”-