Category Archives: Mars

Fun Space Facts for Children: Mars, the Red Planet

Mars Image

The Planet Mars:  Did Martians ever invade Earth?

Name:   Mars is named after the Roman God of war, after its red color, which reminded the ancient Romans of blood!

Diameter: 4,222 miles

Temperature:  -81°F; -62.77°C.

Fun Mars Facts: Did Martians ever invade Earth?  On Sunday October 30, 1938, the United States went into mass hysteria, when the radio announced to its’ million listeners that a Martian invasion of our Earth was underway.  People were terrified.  They fled en masse in their cars, jamming the highways, fleeing the vengeful Martians.   Until…Mr. Orson Welles, a director, came on air to tell people that they were actually listening to a play!  This play was adapted from H.G. Welles famous novel, ‘War of the Worlds,’ a great read to this day.  This fictional work describes Martians landing on Earth and destroying our planet!

On July 4, 1997, Nasa successfully landed a little robot named Sojourner from its NASA pathfinder spacecraft.  The amazing Sojourner roamed around the planet Mars-the first robot to do so-beaming back amazing pictures of Mars and taking numerous samples.  This helps scientists learn more about how Mars was formed.

Mars has two Moons.  They are named Phobos, (meaning panic/fear) and Deimos, (meaning terror/dread).  These are two characters that according to Greek mythology accompany their father, the God of war, into battle.

Mons Olympus, a now extinct Volcano on Mars, is the tallest volcano in the entire solar system!

Mars also plays a starring role in the fifth book of the Amelia’s Amazing Space Adventures series.  In book five, Amelia, the Magolytes and the Victory Vines, Amelia and Uglesnoo need to trade with the tricky Magolytes, aliens that live on Mars. But the Magolytes possess a deadly weapon.  Amelia and Uglesnoo find themselves running away… But then they are helped by the mysterious victory vines. Ready to blast off from Mars, they still face one big fiery problem. Will they manage to outwit the sly Magolytes?  Curious about the series?

Next post: Fun facts about the giant planet Jupiter.

Evonne Blanchard is the author of Amelia, the Moochins and the Sapphire Palace, Amelia, the Venutons and the Golden Cage and Amelia, the Merballs and the Emerald Cannon.  These are the first three books in, ‘Amelia’s Amazing Space Adventures,’ an exciting series of ten books set in outer space, (for children ages 5-10).

Ever wondered if aliens exist?  What if one needed your help?  Would you travel into outer space?  For the adventures…of a lifetime!

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Book Three: Amelia, the Merballs and the Emerald Cannon


Amelia and Uglesnoo land on Mercury.  They meet the Merballs, the friendly aliens that live there.  All goes well until an asteroid hits their planet.  Amelia and Uglesnoo find themselves in deep trouble.  How will they convince the Merballs of their innocence?  And how will they manage to collect the flying shoes, escape Mercury and continue their quest to save Uglesnoo’s sister?

“Adventure, inventiveness, and humor merge in this quirky, appealing tale.” Kirkus Reviews.  Read Full Review

“…This third book is even more original, fun and creative! With aliens, different planets, a good dose of humor and excellent storytelling that is age-appropriate, this is one of the best kids series out there. The illustrations are pretty fun too and fit the story well.”

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 Book Two: Amelia, the Venutons and the Golden Cage

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Uglesnoo needs Amelia’s help.  His sister is very sick.  The only cure is a repelling crystal from Neptune.  With his Earthling friend, Amelia, they must continue their quest.  More items are needed to buy the crystal.  But Venus is full of danger and angry aliens.  Are Uglesnoo and Amelia in over their heads?

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“A lively sequel offers a sure-handed blend of fantasy, humor, adventure, and an ingenious heroine.” Kirkus Reviews

5/5 star rating!  “Amelia, the Venutons and the Golden Cage is a wonderful children’s book that will allow your kids to get started in the Sci-Fi genre… The story is intriguing and well thought out. All in all, the author did a great job of creating an engaging story that kept my kids interested. We are definitely looking forward to the next book!”-

Book One: Amelia, the Moochins and the Sapphire Palace

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When is a present not a present?  When it’s a friendly purple alien called Uglesnoo, from the planet Pluto!  Uglesnoo needs to leave right away for the Moon.  Uglesnoo also desperately needs Amelia’s help.  Should Amelia venture into outer Space?

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Appealing Illustrations combine with lots of text to make this a great read for children transitioning from picture books to chapter books.” —Kirkus Reviews

The story is imaginative and fun…and a perfect book to stretch my oldest in his independent reading with something fun to keep his attention.”Beautiful Books for Children